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To Stop the Angst


From Ask The Special Education Advocates: Action Plans To Meet Your Child's Learning Needs, by Yael Cohen,

Should I sign the finished IEP?

First, parents only sign special education consent forms for permission for the school to evaluate (or reevaluate), and to give consent for their child to receive special education services after the first IEP is written. Sometimes schools ask you to sign subsequent IEP's. If they insist on your signing, you can ask them to point out where in the federal law it says you must sign. (Some states do require that parents sign all IEP's.) We suggest you do not sign, but if your state insists, you can sign with a statement above your signature which states any disagreements you have with the document. You will, however, want to be certain that every IEP is actually complete and accurate: the goals, objectives, and the time allotted make sense, and proper accommodations and modifications are included to meet your child's educational needs.

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