15 Minute Consultations
Are You Frustrated Because Your Kid Struggles in School, Can't Read Well, and Has One of Those Special Education IEP's That's Going Nowhere?
Are you hitting your head against the wall every time you try to get the school to do something different?
And like lots of other parents, are you wondering what on earth you're going to do next?
Well, you've come to the right place. That's what we do at GetIEPHelp.com.
We actually help parents just like you figure out what your child's learning problem is and how to get the school to help your child not only succeed, but excel. And we do this whether your child has one of those special education IEP's, or not.
For a short period of time, we're offering a free 15 minute phone consultation to help you figure out one or two things you can do right now to help your child succeed in school.
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Fill in the box and click now, because together we can help your child get the help he or she needs to excel in school.
From Ask The Special Education Advocates: Action Plans To Meet Your Child's Learning Needs, by Yael Cohen, et.al.
How, or who, do I ask for services when my child is struggling in school?
The first thing to do is to meet with your child's regular education teacher and discuss your concerns. Take samples of your child's work to show where you see the struggles. Ask the teacher if she has noticed any learning struggles or behavioral problems in the classroom and ask what she might suggest to help your child. Ask about the services that the school might be able to provide to increase your child's success. Sometimes a teacher may suggest that your child needs just a bit more time or another classroom approach. It is often fine to give this a chance as long as there is a date (a month to six weeks) to take another look at progress. However, if you and/or the teacher feel either now, or at the next meeting, that there may be a deeper learning issue, you should request a special education evaluation -- in writing! Once you make the request, dated and in writing, the clock starts running and the school/district must meet certain deadlines to test your child and meet with you (at an IEP/Special Education meeting) to discuss those results. Be sure to keep a copy of your dated request.
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